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  • Shipper on Deck: Tries to push Richard and Roberta together, although the love aspect is only a minor part of his motivation.
  • Roaring Rampage of Revenge: His motivation is taking back Madalena from Richard's claws and avenging himself upon Richard.
  • The Pig-Pen: Other characters note that he stinks.
  • They end up making it up when it turns out he does care.
  • Parental Abandonment: He views his dad as an "ice-cold love-less monster".
  • One-Man Army: In the opening he storms Richard's castle by himself.
  • Older Than They Look: Implied to be in his late 30s by the fact that a first season flashback to "30 Winters Ago" shows him as a boy of about 8 despite looking no older than Princess Isabella or Sid.
  • Provides eye-candy for the female viewers with his strongly built physique and extensive shirtless scenes.
  • Also, a couple of Richard's guards are so awe-struck upon seeing him that they don't draw their swords before being knocked out and a third faints simply because Galavant told him to.
  • Memetic Badass: In universe, it's mentioned that Galavant's exploits are so amazing people tell stories and sing songs about them.
  • dragon tad cooper

    Isabella admits she didn't even realize Galavant wasn't his first name. It's not until halfway through the final episode that his first name (Gary) is even revealed.

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    Last-Name Basis: No one calls him by his first name.Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Galavant has an ego the size of Valencía, is self-centered from time to time and can be quite an asshole, but deep down he's still a damsel-rescuing hero who sincerely wishes to help the poor and oppressed.He has a big one when singing "Jackass in a Can", as he realizes that jackass is him. Jerkass Realization: His arc is realizing that he's a selfish egotist and changing that.Impaled with Extreme Prejudice: At the end of "About Last Knight", when Sid throws his sword at him and it accidentally gores him in the gut.He just wanted a cottage by the sea with a garden and children. Humble Goal: From his conversation with Madalena, he didn't want anything grand or epic for his future.Yet when he's seen shirtless in the middle of the second episode, he's Mr. Hollywood Pudgy: For the first couple episodes, characters remark on how fat he's gotten, such as Isabella pointing out his "muffin top".This one gets into comical mishaps and experiences things like bad body ordor and soreness from training montages. The Hero: He's a parody of the archetype, the noble questing knight that is the central figure of the epic legend.Even after a year has passed, he's still not over it. Heartbroken Badass: He takes his break-up with Madalena really hard.Gasshole: According to Isabella, he is "embarrassingly gasey".Not even the zombie army and Sid’s Accidental Murder phased him, though he did complain about the latter. Fantastically Indifferent: Took the news he’s Richard’s new BFF and bodyguard with ease.

    dragon tad cooper

    Isabella is very disappointed to see the warrior that poets praised laying in a drunken daze. He didn't turn evil, he just turned lazy and selfish. Deadpan Snarker: Quite sardonic after becoming a Broken Ace.Decoy Protagonist: Although much of season two is spent on Galavant trying to get back to Isabella, it is Richard that has most of the Character Development, is revealed to be A Chosen One, and kills the Big Bad.

    dragon tad cooper

    Cultured Badass: In the pilot he mentions that, in addition to becoming a knight, he dedicated himself to studying the arts, cultures, and languages.and knocks a tiny piece of crab off her plate, which she is allergic to. He sees Isabella from all the way across a crowded room and fights his way through dozens of armed guards to get to her.Galavant: People keep forgetting that I'm not just the guy who gets the raisins. Such as after escaping from being tied up and disarming the Pirate King without the king even realizing he'd done it. Gal may not be the sharpest tool in the shed and quite lazy, but when the push comes to shove, he's still a legendary knight.Carpet of Virility: The Queen of the Enchanted Forest comments favourably on his "lush pectoral lawn" during "Off With His Shirt".Broken Ace: Losing (what he thought was) his true love really took its toll on him.Back from the Dead: The healer Neo makes a potion allowing Galvant to defeat Death and bring Galavant back to life.Oh, Shiny!: It's a Running Gag for him to stop paying attention to what people (namely Isabella) are saying mid-way through. Alliterative Name: The end of season 2 reveals his name is Gary Galavant.Affectionate Nickname: People close to him call him "Gal".He is kicked back into high gear after Isabella tells him Madelina regrets her choice (she doesn't). The noble and heroic leading man, who lost his spark after his girlfriend decided that getting kidnapped by the king wasn't so bad.

    Dragon tad cooper